International Advisors
Dr. Helen Leonard
(Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, University of Western Australia, Australia)
Dr. Alan K Percy
(Civitan International Research Center, University of Alabama at Birmingham)
Dr. Sarojini Budden
(Legacy Emanuel Children’s Hospital, Portland, OR)
Dr. Carolyn N Schanen
(Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children/Nemours Children’s Clinic, University of Delaware)
Dr. SakkuBai Naidu
(Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD)
Dr. David M Katz
(Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH)
Dr. Janine M. LaSalle
(UC Davis School of Medicine, Davis, CA)
Mrs. Paige Nues
(Director, Family Support, International Rett Syndrome Foundation)
Dr. Eric Smeets
(University Hospital Maastricht, The Netherland)
Dr. Angus Clarke
(Cardiff University, Wales, UK)
Dr. Leopold Curfs
(Director Governor Kremers Centre, University Hospital Maastricht, The Netherland)
Mr. Gerard Nguyen
(President, Rett syndrome Europe)
Dr. Kees Van Roozendaal
(University Hospital Maastricht, The Netherland)
Peter Huppke
(Georg August University Göttingen, Germany)
Dr. Laurent Villard
(INSERM U910 – Marseille, France)